Really Simple Syndication

Heard of Really Simple Syndication? No? Really? How about RSS?

Really Simple Syndication = RSS in short form.

I bet many do not know that. I am not surprised if you don't. I met a blogger last week who does not know the power of RSS. I was once ignorant about RSS and when I discovered and used it, it had saved 40% of my precious time. How does it do that?

There are couple of websites I visit regularly for news and interesting topics and before RSS came about, I used to save links to these websites as "bookmarks" or via email subscription. Once bookmarked, I did not really remember the domain name. After all, why should I since I had already bookmarked them. The problem comes when I have the time to access from another computer. The bookmark was not there and it took me much time to search or recall the URL.

Email subscription on the other hand was good only for a period of time but as my schedule got busy, emails started to flood my inbox. Then came RSS.

The beauty of RSS is that you get to subscribe to your favourite website through an RSS reader which is something like your email application but it does not take up web space. You simply need to sign up for a free RSS reader account which is offered by Google or various providers to store your RSS. Once you add the subscription to your reader, you just need to read it from your reader. So basically you access one site for all your desired content.

The advantages of RSS in short are as follows:
- You can access your favourite content from anywhere as long as you have internet access.
- You can easily remove any subscription instantly through your reader.
- It is Spam-free since you keep your reading and email apart and your email will not be exposed to the site owner.
- Privacy as the owner of the content will not know who you are besides knowing what reader you use.
- If your internet provider restricts access to your favourite website, you can still read its content via RSS.

So how does RSS save 40% of your surfing time?
1. You need not look for new update going to your various favorite sites. Once new content came in, it will appear in your reader. That saves you opening various browsers and wait for content to be loaded.

2. Some sites take longer time to load not because of content but other things like banner and advertisements. By reading in your reader, only the content of the post and the pictures related will be displayed.

3. Since all your subscriptions appears in one site, it cuts down your surfing time and does not require you to open multiple browser windows.

That concludes my findings on the beauty of RSS. It is Really Simple Syndication.

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